Search Tips

Not found what you are looking for?

Have a look here for some help and guidance with onsite searches.

Below are a few hints and tips for finding what you want if you are not getting good results on the search option.

If the below advice does not help then please contact us by phone on 01782 410391 or email [email protected]

COSH Data & Technical Data

Our Technical & Safety data sheets are provided on the relevant product page. Please go to the product that you require & the data sheets are available to download in PDF format.

Vehicle / Equipment search

If you are searching for products by vehicle registration or make and model, please enter these searches on the 'What oil' page at the following link WHAT OIL? this App can offer information on road going vehicles and off road plant, industrial equipment and agricultural equipment. Registration search will not work for Heavy commercial vehicles or Agricultural / Industrial Plant equipment , please use the Keyword search function or contact us with the details. Also classic & vintage vehicles prior to late 1960's will not show, please call us for recommendations on these vehicles.

Pack size search

If you are searching by pack size for example: 205 litre drum, 25 litre drum, 5 litre drum. Please find the product first & click into the product page, this will display the available pack options for the product! 205 litre drums are not listed on site for most products, please contact us for 205 litre drum availability and pricing on 01782 410391 or [email protected]

Company Brand Name Search

If you are searching for non-Morris branded product, we may be able to offer an alternative product to another Company brand name. However the site search will not help with this so please contact us for this information via the details above.

Morris Code search

If you know the product Morris product code (this is usually a 3 letter code e.g. CTH or RVS) just enter the code without any pack size indicator. E.g. do not enter CTH025 for a 25 litre drum of Multivis ADT C3 5W-30, just enter CTH into the search box & select the product from the list that is populated as you type. Product pack options are then available to view on the product page.

Morris Ambassadors, Motorsport & Sponsorship

For news on Morris Lubricants ambassadors, Motorsport & Sponsorship, please visit the corporate website at this link Morris Lubricants Shrewsbury